GRCI is a member club of the Golden Retriever Club of America and is licensed by the American Kennel Club. Our Members are golden retriever owners, breeders, exhibitors, trainers, and judges. Together, they sponsor club activities that range from educational to competitive to down-right fun. GRCI also publishes a newsletter, sponsors this website and holds bi-monthly membership meetings.
GRCI is always looking for golden fanciers who would like to become active members who are involved in the club. If you wish to apply for membership, please fill out our 2024 GRCI Renewal and New Member Application and mail to the GRCI Treasurer. Receipt of your membership dues and approval of your membership at our next general meeting is necessary to become a member.
As most of our membership lives in the Chicagoland area membership meetings are held in various locations around the city. We always begin meetings at 7pm and other than August or December we typically have a speaker. Dogs are always welcome at our meetings in August and December. Depending on location they may or may not be welcome at the other meetings. Check the event calendar for details on each meeting.
Prospective members are always welcome!
Please mail completed form (signed) with check payable to GRCI.
(Please allow 60 days for processing and approval at a bi-monthly GRCI meeting)